Lithops – “living stones of happiness”


Lithops – “living stones of happiness”
This inconspicuous species shows its true beauty thanks to its hard, fleshy leaves, when large, magnificent flowers grow from the stones. Then it turns out that these are not stones, but live plants. Over the centuries, these plants have managed to adapt to the extreme conditions in their natural environment, resulting in the formation of thick, fleshy leaves in the shape of oval stones. Their surface may have a different color, texture and shape. Such an image allowed them to mask themselves from hungry animals, and the fleshy leaves (stones) served as a store of water for many months without rain.

Lithops values
a plant with an amazing appearance
extremely large, hard, leaves – living stones
large stately flowers of white or yellow color
ease of cultivation
Requirements of “living stones of happiness”
sunny position
careful and sparing watering, the plant is susceptible to flooding
well-drained, porous soil
fertilization with fertilizer for cacti during the growing season
rare transplanting

The best time to transplant succulents is spring and summer. When buying succulents in autumn and winter, it is safer to leave them in the existing substrate, taking care of very economical watering. In the autumn and winter period, succulents growing in such a substrate are watered with a small amount of water every 4-8 weeks (depending on the temperature). To minimize the risk of overfilling, it is best to use the hand-held water sprayer for watering. The shrinkage of succulent leaves is a clear indicator for the next watering.